A day where Chance plays games his subs recommend via Streampoll (or just type !vote game) in the chat. Usally he starts of with retarded games like "Shower with your Dad Simulator" to the end he usally plays "playthrough"-style games.
His full name is Thomas Jefferson Chance Morris (no troll), but all his friends call him Chance. Trolls sometimes call him Thomas or varations of Chance like Chunce, Chunkelton, Child Support, whatever the idiots come up with
Comes from playing Amnesia, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaBPT2j0_l8 Can be spammed anytime, mostly used when stuck in a game
Spoonerism of FUCK LEA obviously. Chat usally hates Lea because of Drama that happend (Lea presumably cheated on Chance). Used almost everytime Lea is on stream.
Chance used to test his mic and say stuff like "test 123" Chat just repeated 123, or he said chat spam 123 if you can hear me. This turned into Kappa 123 over time and now is one of the most popular memes even in other streams.
This explains a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kicvbd5Uvso
" I don't think the sodaG emote was added for no reason. If I remember correctly he really wanted a giraffe as a pet in WoW and he struggled getting it really bad. I think that's also the reason why there is a gif of giraffe with Chance's face chasing a sub button. " - /u/ReDyrme
pyah is just something soda screamed for fun. It has no real meaning. When he would do something like killing someone in Wow he would scream PYAH PYAH PYAH after it.
Someone donated to him a funny emote (sodaW) and he used it, it started the whole trend of W Emotes (Box Emotes) like trumpW
Chance HATES pepsi. Someone actually send him a lot of pepsi once via Amazon. He loves Coca Cola though, drinks multiple cans a day and will probably die of diabetes
Coming from the game Nekopara, now cuda uses it to share his love for the chat.
A lot of pictures show Chance with different color hair, this always happens when he does a charity stream. So his hair is like that for like 1-2 months until he goes back to his natural dark blonde hair.
Andy used to be a dealer for a gambling site Chance plays on, because of the heavy interaction on twitter with Chance (and other reasons) Andy got fired from his job and the Casino and now streams himself aswell.
When Chance is gambling it's usally Blackjack online with live dealers.
Chance's all time top donator, donated him ~50k$. His money comes presumably from Oil.
Based on a video series ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm3JodBR-vs ) about nature used as sub-sound
Professional Wrestler but also sub-sound and general meme used a lot in Chance's stream. The origin is this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRRsXxE1KVY
Chance stutters. His stuterring usally sounds like AMINA AMINA AMINA. AMINA is also an emote
Sometimes soda had a Doge-Cam running on his stream which was a GoPro strapped to the back of Buddy (his 1st dog) and the stream could watch what buddy was doing
Same concept as Doge-Cam but with a Roomba not a Dog. We learned Dogs can get scared from Roombas and Roombas tend to get stuck everywhere.
His current girlfriend for now probably more than 2 years. She streams herself on twitch.tv/legendarylea
Mostly hated by chat because she presumably cheated on Chance.
His best friend. They met playing World of Warcraft and started living together in Michigan.
He is streaming aswell on twitch.tv/nmplol
Also follow his twitter twitter.com/nickpolom
Nick's girlfriend. She is coming from Norway usally plays a lot of H1Z1. Sometimes streams on twitch.tv/f0rsythia
A good friend of chance, used to live with Chance for some time. Wow player aswell streams himself on twitch.tv/hotted89 Known to be nicest guy living
Chance's dog, a german-shepard. Runs all over the house used for things like Doge-Cam also seen on Roomba-Cam
Chance's 2nd dog. Chance picked him up from a shelter in bad condition, he recovered and is now a very happy dog!
Lea's dog and the smallest dog of the three living with them
Friend? of Chance who presumably (no details, yet) stole money from chance (25k) over his Paypal. Used to live with Chance sometimes.
One of Chance's brothers is a Radio Host and sometimes played Blackjack with Lea or Chance on stream.
sodaRIOT shows Chance's Dad. Otherwise seen on Chance's youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkIpsOZj8pc
Not much known about her except that she is older (~70) but Chat still has a weird concerning attraction to her.
Dark Souls player, Weeaboo, hated by the Chat mostly because of his heavier use of the Ban button
Computer expert usally helping Chance when he is in trouble, also sent him a bag of dicks one time
Most loved mod probably for his interaction with the chat and always helping people with questions like what song is playing
Master of Quiplash, Lord of the plebs and source of cancer in Chance's stream
Admin for the bot soda uses hnlbot, also friends with Locatedd
Admin for streampoll.tv friends with hnlpower
Is always in Chance's chat, ALWAYS. Probably in the same class with Murkax atleast based on his intelligence
Zondagshow also lost 10-0 in hearthstone to My_Name_Is_Tony on his own stream
One of the pleb friendliest mods, unbans all the time and streams himself on twitch.tv/nixi93 Known for the use of the emote sodaDS
Norwegian mod of Chance. Usally helpful when Chance runs into Tech problems so almost every stream Kappa
Cool and pleb friendly mod
Has no self-esteem after he was missing in the first version of this list.
He also cried when he saw he wasn't in here at first FeelsBadMan
Pay 2 Win mod but atleast a cool guy. Cluturally Rich like a Pleb, loaded like a sub.
Female swedish Mod also modding for tons of other channels, usally called Frida
Another female Mod of Chance, nice to everyone in chat
Probably 12 years old, known to say stupid shit, long time subscriber, donates on occassion telling Chance about his life
Known for massive spam of sodaG, got permabanned for saying dumb shit.
Streams snipes Chance all the time in H1Z1 mostly hated by the chat and Chance, but somehow still entertaining from time to time. GreekGodX is his twitch name
Another retard who chats too much and has too much free time. Almost always in Chance's offline chat. Also inventor of the "Finger in Penishole" copypasta.
Also Trump sub so be aware of autism.
Same for him as for tony, no live
Most retarded of them all, vanity moderator for nymn